From the past...
- Hardware for transmitting and receiving side of stock market data over TV channel (video test lines)
- Control hardware and software for Tanning Studios; Payment system with magnetic or chip card and online payment
- Evaluation software under Windows Tanning Studio software
- Partialy developing a Gauss meter hardware (magnetic field measurement)
- Stand-alone control hardware and software for payment systems such as Tanning Studios
- Hardware and firmware for DVD player of a German high-end manufacturer
- Hardware and firmware for DVD player an Australian high-end manufacturer
- HDMI scaler for video output of an AV receiver High-End Swiss manufacturer
- HDMI-Switch 2:1 resp. 4:1
- Scaler with PIP advertising insertion as a side bar
- Software / firmware of analyzer for water quality determination
- HDMI scaler for video output of an AV receiver High-End German manufacturer hereby Ethernet, CEC and audio integration
- Development of hardware and software of a video section of a video speed measuring system; HDTV Scalerboard for the documentation of traffic violations, showing the measured values and saving the video as a protocol in H264 format li>
- Design of a shielded measuring box for testing TV cable modems with WLAN including the necessary filters
- Advice on EC examinations as well as examinations according to the EU low voltage directive
- Redesign of various control boards for devices from the home control area
- Design of the hardware of various boards in the field of internet audio transmission
- Design of the hardware of various LED lights